Light+Building | 圣昌2022法兰克福照明展胜利收官
德国法兰克福当地时间10月6日,为期5天的法兰克福国际照明展落下帷幕,作为LED智能调光电源中国专业制造商,圣昌携多款新品及热销产品闪耀登场,吸引了众多参展观众前来交流咨询。 从会前筹备到产品展示和客户沟通,圣昌团队始终保持着昂扬的激情,竭力为客户提供更高品质的智能调光电源。虽然展会已经结束,但是大家的关注和期待是圣昌前行的动力,圣昌特意准备了一些展会精彩回顾,现邀请您一起“云观展”。 From pre-conference preparation to product display and customer communication, Shengchang team has always maintained a high passion, and strives to provide customers with higher quality intelligent dimmable LED drive. Although the exhibition has ended, but everyone's attention and expectations are the driving force for Shengchang to move forward, Shengchang has prepared some wonderful reviews of the exhibition, and now invites you to "cloud exhibition" together. 法兰克福照明展已完美落幕,但是圣昌前进的步伐从未止步,未来将继续在智能照明领域强势发力,成为城市智慧生活的强大驱动力,圣昌也期待与您探索更广泛和深入的合作模式,我们下次再见! Frankfurt lighting exhibition has come to a perfect end, but the pace of Shengchang's progress has never stopped, the future will continue to be strong in the field of intelligent lighting, become a strong driving force for urban life, Shengchang is also looking forward to exploring a broader and deeper cooperation model with you, we will see you next time! |