相关数据显示,我国照明用电约占电力总消耗量的12%左右,随着国家对节能减排工作的重视,照明行业愈发重视相关产品的节能性能。 The related data show that China‘s lighting electronic accounts for about 12% of the total power consumption. With the national attention to emission conservation and emission reduction work, Lighting industry pays more attention to energy saving performance of related products. 作为一家有社会责任感的企业,圣昌一直将节约能源置于产品研发创新的优先地位,以300W大功率LED智能调光电源为例,该系列有着“高功率因数、高效率、高可靠性”三大显著性能,完美匹配工业照明、商业照明和楼宇亮化等大功率场景的节能增效需求,是深受市场喜爱的畅销产品。 As an enterprise with the sense of social responsibilities,SC POWER has been energy saving in the priority of product research and development innovation with 300W high-power intelligent dimmable LED driver. For example, the series is a popular best-selling product which perfects match industrial lighting, commercial lighting and building lighting high-power scenarios of energy saving efficiency demand with significant performances of high power factor, high efficiency and high reliability. 有效提高电力资源利用率、减小谐波污染、提高电网输电效率和电质量,从而实现节能降耗。 Effectively improve the utilization rate of power resources, reduce harmonic pollution, improve the power transmission efficiency and power quality of the power grid, so as to achieve energy saving and consumption reduction. 请点击下方链接查看产品详情 DALI-2系列:https://www.scpower.net.cn/displayproduct.html?id=4493489892939072&mdId=com_2472 DMX系列:https://www.scpower.net.cn/displayproduct.html?id=4494986678883648 可控硅系列:https://www.scpower.net.cn/displayproduct.html?id=3442815233037633&mdId=com_2180 0/1-10V系列:https://www.scpower.net.cn/displayproduct.html?id=4490495447749952&mdId=com_2158 更多产品信息 请拨打圣昌全国咨询热线 0756-3883779 ![]() |