多款产品受热捧 | 圣昌亮相2022年德国法兰克福照明展
展出了DALI-2 、可控硅、0/1-10V、DMX512、无线(蓝牙/ZigBee/Wi-Fi)等新品及热销产品。
德国法兰克福当地时间10月2日,德国法兰克福照明展如期开幕,圣昌亮相8.0 馆J10展位,与世界各地众多顶级照明展商同台竞技,重点展出了DALI-2 、可控硅、0/1-10V、DMX512、无线(蓝牙/ZigBee/Wi-Fi)等新品及热销产品。 不仅如此,本次照明展,圣昌还带来了8-16档电流可调的恒流多电流输出调光电源等王牌产品,向全球用户展示了圣昌在智能调光电源领域取得的先进成果,赢得了全场瞩目。 展会上,圣昌倾力打造了具有国际化设计风格的展位空间,展位陈列层次分明,前来了解产品的新老客户络绎不绝。圣昌国外销售部负责人表示,开展第一天的人流量很不错,现场客户对圣昌产品认可度很高。 At the exhibition, Shengchang worked hard to create a booth with international design style, the booth display was clearly layered, and new and old customers came to see the products in an endless stream. The person in charge of the foreign sales department of Shengchang said that the flow of people on the first day of the development was very good, and the on-site customers recognized Shengchang products very well. 产品咨询区如火如荼,演示互动区同样精彩,为了将真实的产品创新成果展示给客户和合作伙伴,圣昌业务团队为到场咨询的参展来宾进行了产品操作演示,并从专业角度给出了全面又细致的产品讲解。 In order to show the real product innovation results to customers and cooperators, the Shengchang business team demonstrated the product operation for the exhibitors who came to consult, and gave a comprehensive and meticulous product explanation from a professional point of view. 展会仍在持续进行中,诚邀您到访8.0 馆J10展位,与圣昌共同探讨智能照明行业最新趋势。 The exhibition is still ongoing, we sincerely invite you to visit the J10 booth in Hall 8.0 to discuss the latest trends in the intelligent lighting industry with Shengchang. |