圣昌LED智能电源 | 全场景应用,打造健康好光(工业/植物/户外照明)
更多功率选择,更多场景应用 为工业/植物/户外照明打造健康好光 作为LED智能调光电源实力派厂商,圣昌LED智能电源覆盖了DALI-2、D4i、可控硅、0-10V 1-10V、DMX512、蓝牙/ZigBee/Wi-Fi等调光方式,恒压系列输出功率10W-600W,恒流系列输出功率10W-1800W,实现了更加高效、稳定的全场景照明应用,尤其在工业照明、植物照明、户外照明等领域,圣昌沉淀了丰富的项目落地经验。 工业照明:让厂房亮起来让能耗降下来 对于工厂车间、仓储物流、停车场、大型仓储式超市这些工业场所而言,照明至关重要,直接影响工人的视觉舒适和工作效率,各个运转环节也都需要照明来保证安全性。随着数字化转型和降本增效需求的增加,工业场所开始追求智能、健康、低碳的光照环境。 For industrial sites such as factory workshops, warehousing and logistics, parking lots, and large warehouse-style supermarkets, lighting is crucial and directly affects the visual comfort and work efficiency of workers. Lighting is also needed in all operating links to ensure safety. With the increasing demand for digital transformation and cost reduction and efficiency improvement, industrial sites are beginning to pursue intelligent, healthy, and low-carbon lighting environments. 圣昌工业照明电源根据不同的车间需求和工作时段,进行智能化定时调光,自由调节灯光亮度,打造无频闪的舒适柔光,提升工人视觉舒适度。 Suretron/SCPOWER Industrial Lighting Power Supply performs intelligent timed dimming according to different workshop needs and working hours, freely adjusts light brightness, creates comfortable soft light without flicker, and improves workers' visual comfort. 在“碳达峰”和“碳中和”背景下,节能减排是工业照明场景关注的重点,除了通过实现定时调光,减少不必要的照明浪费之外,圣昌工业照明电源具备故障监测及反馈功能,可精确定位故障灯具,便于及时维护,提高照明故障处理率,节省维修成本。 Under the background of "carbon peak" and "carbon neutrality", energy conservation and emission reduction are the focus of industrial lighting scenarios. In addition to reducing unnecessary lighting waste by achieving timed dimming, Suretron/SCPOWER Industrial Lighting Power Supply has fault monitoring and feedback functions, which can accurately locate faulty lamps, facilitate timely maintenance, improve lighting fault handling rate, and save maintenance costs. 因为空间大,照明灯具和电源数量多,为了节省照明成本,工业照明对电源的使用寿命有着更高的要求。高效率的圣昌工业照明因为发热量低,且散热性更好,产品稳定可靠,寿命更长,深受客户称赞。 Due to the large space, large number of lighting fixtures and power supplies, in order to save lighting costs, industrial lighting has higher requirements for the service life of the power supply. High-efficiency Suretron/SCPOWER industrial lighting has low heat generation, better heat dissipation, stable and reliable products, and longer service life, which is highly praised by customers. ![]() 植物照明:满足植物生长各阶段光照需求 一直以来,圣昌紧抓植物照明市场客户需求痛点,不断进行产品的创新研发,根据不同植物的光谱需求精确调光,满足所种植物的光照要求。目前已形成SDU系列、SDH系列、NDU系列、NDH系列等植物照明产品矩阵,主要用于植物组培、叶菜生产、温室补光、植物工厂、育苗工厂、药用植物栽培、食用菌工厂、藻类培养、植物保护、太空果蔬、花卉种植等多个领域。 Suretron/SCPOWER has always been focusing on the pain points of customer needs in the plant lighting market, and has continuously carried out innovative product research and development, accurately adjusting the light according to the spectral requirements of different plants to meet the lighting requirements of the plants. At present, it has formed a plant lighting product matrix including SDU series, SDH series, NDU series, NDH series, etc., which are mainly used in plant tissue culture, leafy vegetable production, greenhouse supplementary lighting, plant factories, seedling factories, medicinal plant cultivation, edible fungus factories, algae cultivation, plant protection, space fruits and vegetables, flower planting and other fields. 高效率,长寿命的圣昌植物照明电源,发热量低,散热性好,能够很好地控制植物工厂内的温度,避免温度过高而影响植物的生长态势。因为高效率的设计,电源损失的电能更少,更能节省种植大棚的电费支出。 The high-efficiency, long-life Suretron/SCPOWER plant lighting power supply has low heat generation and good heat dissipation. It can well control the temperature in the plant factory to avoid excessive temperature affecting the growth of plants. Due to the high-efficiency design, the power supply loses less energy, which can save electricity expenses for the greenhouse. ![]() 户外照明:助力智慧城市建设 高效率、节能降耗、智能化、稳定可靠的圣昌户外照明电源,在城市路桥、高速公路、机场、隧道等户外场景得到了广泛应用。 Suretron/SCPOWER's outdoor lighting power supply is highly efficient, energy-saving, intelligent, stable and reliable, and has been widely used in outdoor scenes such as urban roads and bridges, highways, airports, tunnels, etc. 圣昌户外照明电源覆盖100W-1800W功率范围,拥有IP67级防尘防水,防雷电浪涌的特点,确保电源在高温、低温、风雪等恶劣条件下稳定运行。 Suretron/SCPOWER outdoor lighting power supply covers a power range of 100W-1800W, and has IP67 dust and water resistance, as well as lightning surge protection, ensuring stable operation of the power supply under harsh conditions such as high temperature, low temperature, wind and snow. 相比传统户外照明电源,圣昌户外系列在NFC智能编程和RDM远程设备管理协议的加持下,智能化程度更高,可实现设置地址、设置输出电流、定时调光、智能温控以及远程管理照明资源,让智慧照明更进一步。 Compared with traditional outdoor lighting power supplies, Suretron/SCPOWER outdoor series is more intelligent with the support of NFC smart programming and RDM remote device management protocol. It can set address, output current, timed dimming, intelligent temperature control and remote management of lighting resources, taking smart lighting a step further. 圣昌案例: |