酒店照明案例分享 | 看圣昌打造智能化酒店照明典范
相关数据显示,2023年旅游业强劲复苏,国内出游48.9亿人次,进一步激发了酒店消费活力,新建酒店以及部分老旧酒店翻新工程提出大量的照明需求,智能化照明成为助力酒店智能化升级的点睛之笔。 Relevant data shows that the tourism industry will recover strongly in 2023, with 4.89 billion domestic trips, further stimulating hotel consumption activities. New hotels and renovation projects of some old hotels have put forward a large demand for lighting. Intelligent lighting has become the finishing touch to help hotels upgrade intelligently. 圣昌深耕酒店照明多年,自主研发的智能调光全品类电源(DALI-2、D4i、可控硅、0-10V 1-10V、DMX512、蓝牙/ZigBee/Wi-Fi),完美匹配酒店的智能调光需求,为奢华酒店、五星级酒店、精品酒店等提供智能化的产品解决方案。 Suretron has been deeply involved in hotel lighting for many years, and independently developed a full range of intelligent dimming power supplies (DALI-2, D4i, Triac, 0-10V 1-10V, DMX512, Bluetooth/ZigBee/Wi-Fi), which perfectly matches the hotel's smart lighting. Dimming needs, provide intelligent product solutions for luxury hotels, five-star hotels, boutique hotels, etc. 魔都网红酒店——上海外滩W酒店 作为魔都网红酒店,上海外滩W酒店以光为引,为入住者营造了流光溢彩的光影氛围,星光瞩目,房态也常年爆满。 As an Internet celebrity hotel in Shanghai, W Hotel on the Bund, Shanghai uses light as its guide to create a dazzling light and shadow atmosphere for its guests. The stars are eye-catching and the rooms are always full. 酒店应用了圣昌智能调光电源,可根据不同场景下的照明需求实现精细化控制,打造个性化灯光场景,并且实现无频闪的顺滑调光,为入住者呈现最舒适的灯光状态。 The hotel has applied Suretron intelligent dimming power supply, which can achieve refined control according to the lighting needs in different scenarios, create personalized lighting scenes, and achieve flicker-free smooth dimming, presenting the most comfortable lighting state for guests. ![]() 图源网络 为看海而生的三亚海棠湾仁恒皇冠假日酒店 三亚海棠湾仁恒皇冠假日酒店,为看海而生,酒店的外形像是一艘即将起航驶向大海的巨型邮轮,夜晚灯光亮起,又仿佛是大海中的灯塔,灯光变幻之间,成功拉近与客人间的距离。 Crowne Plaza Sanya Haitang Bay Yanlord Resort was built to look at the sea. The hotel looks like a giant cruise ship about to set sail for the sea. When the lights turn on at night, it looks like a lighthouse in the sea. As the lights change, Successfully close the distance with guests. 酒店注重儿童的用光需求,通过应用圣昌无频闪智能调光电源,创造了柔和健康的照明环境,无处不在的贴心细节和舒心体验,让其成为了高口碑的网红亲子酒店。 The hotel pays attention to children's lighting needs. By applying Suretron's flicker-free intelligent dimming power supply, it creates a soft and healthy lighting environment. The thoughtful details and comfortable experience everywhere make it a highly praised hotel internet celebrity family hotel. ![]() 图源网络 刷新奢华酒店新高度的新加坡金沙酒店 无边泳池、空中花园,这里有着新加坡璀璨的城市景致,是IG达人的必打卡之地——新加坡金沙酒店。 With its infinity swimming pool and sky garden, Singapore’s dazzling city is exquisite. This is a must-visit place for IG experts - Singapore Sands Hotel. 为了提升旅客的入住体验,新加坡金沙酒店进行了一次焕新升级,圣昌智能调光电源以出色的产品性能,帮助酒店重塑奢华格调。 In order to improve travelers' stay experience, Singapore Sands Hotel has undergone a new upgrade. Suretron intelligent dimming power supply has helped the hotel reshape its luxurious style with its excellent product performance. 酒店共有2650间客房,照明工程体量庞大,高效率,高功率因数的圣昌智能电源,助力酒店节能降耗,减少照明浪费。 The lighting project of the Jinsha Hotel is huge, with a total of 2,650 guest rooms. The high-efficiency, high-power-factor Suretron intelligent power supply helps the hotel save energy and reduce lighting waste. ![]() 图源网络 “一千零一夜”的梦幻酒店——约旦四季酒店 约旦是《一千零一夜》中的阿拉伯世界,沙丘、山谷、沙漠随处可见,在高山之巅上,伫立着一座四季酒店(Four Seasons Hotel Amman),每一位入住者都能在此领略西亚历史古城的无尽魅力。 Jordan is the Arabian world in "One Thousand and One Nights". Sand dunes, valleys, and deserts can be seen everywhere. On the top of the mountain, stands the Four Seasons Hotel Amman, where every guest can appreciate it. The endless charm of historical cities in West Asia. 酒店通过应用圣昌智能调光电源,与其他系统实现智能联动,分别营造了亮丽的前台灯光、柔和的休闲区灯光以及温馨的客房灯光,根据入住者的个性化需求,呈现智能、人性化的照明场景。 Through the application of Suretron intelligent dimming power supply, the hotel achieves intelligent linkage with other systems to create bright front desk lighting, soft leisure area lighting and warm guest room lighting, presenting intelligent and humanized lighting according to the personalized needs of guests lighting scene. ![]() 图源网络 圣昌智能调光电源可匹配酒店项目中筒灯、射灯、灯带、灯条及线条灯等各类灯具,为酒店打造柔和自然,无频闪的灯光氛围,赋能多元化、智慧化的酒店照明。 Suretron intelligent dimming power supply can match all kinds of lamps such as downlights, spotlights, lamp strips, lamp strips and line lights in hotel projects, creating a soft and natural, stroboscopic lighting atmosphere for the hotel, enabling diversified and intelligent hotel lighting. 圣昌案例: 本文章图片来自网络,版权归作者所有,如有侵权请联系删除。 |