2023光亚展现场直击 | 圣昌携全系列智能调光电源亮相
6月9日,最受瞩目的照明行业盛会-广州国际照明展览会(光亚展)正式开幕,来自全球各地的照明企业同台竞技。 On June 9th, the most watched lighting industry event - Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition (GILE) officially opened, and lighting companies from all over the world competed on the same stage. 在13.2 C02展位上,圣昌展示了最新的智能调光产品和照明解决方案,面向酒店、办公、工业、商业、道路、植物等众多照明细分领域,为众多观展商绽放惊喜。 At booth 13.2 C02, Sunchang displayed the latest intelligent dimming products and lighting solutions, which are aimed at hotels, offices, industries, commerce, roads, plants and many other subdivisions, surprising many exhibitors. “ 智慧照明产品区 Smart Lighting Product Area 圣昌13.2 C02展位,DALI-2、DALI-2 D4i、可控硅、0/1-10V、DMX512、无线(蓝牙/Wi-Fi/ZigBee)等产品布局于各空间,成熟、齐全的产品矩阵,吸引了源源不断的参展观众。 Shengchang 13.2 C02 booth, DALI-2,DALI-2 D4i,Triac,0/1-10V,DMX512,Wireless (Bluetooth/Wi-Fi/ZigBee) and other products are arranged in various spaces, and the mature and complete product matrix has attracted a steady stream of of exhibitors. 本次光亚展,圣昌智能调光电源以“无频闪”“调光平滑”“高效率”“高功率因数”等调光优势,得到了无数关注和赞赏。 At this Guangya exhibition, Shengchang intelligent dimming driver has received countless attention and appreciation for its dimming advantages such as "No Flicker", "smooth dimming", "high efficiency" and "high power factor". ![]() “ 调光体验互动区 Smart Lighting Product Area 为了让广大客户切身体验圣昌智能电源的无频闪特性,本次光亚展,圣昌提供了专业频闪测试仪,现场采集灯光后,即可直接反馈出被测光频闪值。经过光频闪测试后,不少客户表示对圣昌电源的品质更有信心。 参展观众在圣昌展位体验到顺滑无抖动的调光效果后,都高度赞扬圣昌稳定可靠的产品品质,并约定展会后到圣昌产品生产基地进行实地考察和进一步合作。 After experiencing the smooth and vibration-free dimming effect at the Shengchang booth, many exhibitors highly praised Shengchang's stable and reliable product quality, and agreed to conduct on-site inspections and further cooperation with Shengchang's product production base after the exhibition. “ 技术解答交流区 Technical Solution Exchange Area 为了帮助广大用户有更好的产品使用体验,光亚展期间,圣昌工程师全程驻守13.2 C02展位,不断与到场的参展观众进行交流,分享方案,推荐产品,帮助用户了解产品使用规范。 In order to help users have a better product experience, during the Guangya Exhibition, Shengchang engineers were stationed at booth 13.2 C02, constantly communicating with the exhibitors present, sharing solutions, recommending products, and helping users understand product usage specifications. ![]() ![]() 6月10-12日,13.2 C02展位,圣昌将继续展示全系列的智能调光电源产品线,绽放更多精彩,期待您的到来! From June 10th to 12th, at booth 13.2 C02, Shengchang will continue to display a comprehensive line of intelligent dimming power supply products, and bloom more wonderful things,looking forward to your arrival! 圣昌案例: |