凝心聚力,共启征程 | 圣昌2022年度总结表彰大会圆满落幕
![]() ![]() 寅虎辞旧,卯兔迎新。2023年1月15日,圣昌2022年度总结表彰大会暨2023年新春年会如期而至,大会分为新年致辞、荣誉表彰和惊喜抽奖三大篇章,圣昌伙伴们欢聚一堂,共同回首乘风破浪的2022,展望充满希望的2023。 2022 is end, 2023 is begin. On January 15, 2023, the Annual Summary and Commendation Meeting of 2022 and the Annual Spring Meeting of 2023 were held as scheduled, divided into three chapters: New Year's Speech, Honorary Commendation and Surprise Lucky Draw. The staff gathers with gaiety, recalling the difficult that went through at 2022, expecting the brilliant future in 2023. ![]() 伴随着热烈的掌声,圣昌总经理郑德华上台作新年致辞。郑德华总经理首先就2022年圣昌在各方面取得的成绩作了全面总结,向努力奋斗,兢兢业业的圣昌人致以诚挚的问候与感谢,并鼓励大家在2023年的新征程里继续鼓足干劲,超越自我! Accompanied by warm applause, Zheng Dehua, General Manager of Shengchang came on stage to deliver a New Year speech. First of all, Mr. Zheng made a comprehensive summary of the achievements of Shengchang in 2022, extended sincere greetings and thanks to the hard-working and dedicated people of Shengchang, and encouraged everyone to continue to work hard and surpass themselves in the new journey of 2023! 过去的一年里,圣昌多领域全面开花,荣誉奖项大丰收。在已获得上百项技术知识产权成果的基础上,2022年圣昌新增数十项技术知识产权成果,并陆续将广东省专精特新中小企业、珠海市专精特新中小企业、2022年阿拉丁神灯奖智能照明生态百强、珠海市知识产权保护重点企业等奖项揽入囊中。2023年,圣昌将继续以创新为第一动力,创造出更符合健康照明需求的电源产品,为智能照明行业贡献更多圣昌力量。 ![]() 成功的企业,背后是无比优秀的团队。2022年,圣昌涌现了一大批先进工作者,他们爱岗敬业,尽职尽责。表彰大会上,郑德华总经理为优秀员工颁发了荣誉证书及奖金,获得表彰的员工纷纷表示,非常感谢公司的肯定与认可,2023年将继续发挥榜样力量,以更加昂扬的斗志迎接全新的挑战。 Successful enterprises, which behind it is the very excellent team. In 2022, a large number of advanced workers emerged from SC, who love their work and are dedicated to their duties. During the commendation meeting, General Manager Zheng Dehua awarded honorary certificates and bonuses to the outstanding employees. The employees who received the commendation expressed their great appreciation for the company's recognition and acknowledgement, and will continue to exert the power of example in 2023 to meet the brand new challenges with a more vigorous spirit. ![]() 表彰环节后,大会迎来了最激动人心的抽奖时刻,成功点燃了现场的热烈气氛。在公司的大力支持下,今年的奖品异常丰厚,随着一轮轮的抽奖,惊喜大奖全部送出。最后,工作人员为全体员工送上了新春惊喜礼盒,传达了圣昌对员工的关爱与新春祝福。 After the recognition session, the conference entered in the most exciting moment of the lucky draw, which successfully ignited the warm atmosphere on the site. With the strong support from the company, the prizes this year were exceptionally generous, and with the rounds of lucky draws, all the surprise prizes were delivered. Ultimately, the staff presented all the staff with a surprise Chinese New Year gift box, conveying the care and New Year wishes from Shengchang to the staff. 圣昌2022年度总结表彰大会在一片欢声笑语中落下帷幕,相信正是因为圣昌人在过去一年的倾力付出,才能在年末时举杯同庆,绽放最灿烂的笑容。在新一年的征程中,圣昌人必将凝心聚力,共赢未来! The Shengchang 2022 Annual Commendation Meeting came to an end with much laughter. It is believed that it is because of the dedication and hard work of our people in the past year that we can celebrate the end of the year with the brightest smile. In the journey of the new year, we will gather our strength to win the future together! ![]() 上一页:大年初一 | 兔气扬眉,生生不息