圣昌产品案例 | 顺德美的万豪酒店:为旅程点亮无限可能
本文案例应用的是圣昌LED智能调光电源,呈现了均匀柔和、自然和谐的健康光照环境。 The case study in this article applies the Shengchang LED intelligent dimmable driver to present a healthy lighting environment that is uniformly soft, natural and harmonious. 对出行的人而言,贴心的酒店服务和舒适的酒店照明氛围都能为他们带来温馨自在的居住体验,让他们以更饱满的精神迎接每一次出行。 For travelers, attentive hotel services and a comfortable hotel lighting atmosphere can bring them a warm and comfortable living experience, allowing them to greet each trip with a fuller spirit. 以顺德美的万豪酒店为例,酒店应用的是圣昌LED智能调光电源,能够满足酒店不同时间段的照明需求,实现了舒适健康,和谐自然的灯光效果,成为众多顾客在顺德的入住之选。 Take Shunde Marriott Hotel as an example, the hotel is applying Shengchang LED intelligent dimmable driver, which can meet the lighting needs of the hotel at different time periods and achieve a comfortable and healthy, harmonious and natural lighting effect, making it the choice of many customers staying in Shunde. 从进入酒店的那一刻,你就会发现这里的灯光格外柔和细腻,因为酒店大堂采用了圣昌智能调光电源,能够实现0.1%-100%深度调光,无频闪无抖动,灯光不刺眼,帮助酒店塑造了宾至如归的氛围感。 From the moment you enter the hotel, you will find that the lighting here is exceptionally soft and delicate because the hotel lobby adopts the Shengchang intelligent dimmable driver which can achieve 0.1%-100% depth dimming, flicker-free and no jitter, and the light is not harsh, helping the hotel to shape a sense of home-like atmosphere. 顺德美的万豪酒店拥有258间豪华客房,每间客房的光线柔和,照明规划层次分明,在圣昌LED智能调光电源的加持下,实现了不同的灯光模式,客人可根据实际需求自定义灯光模式,比如阅读模式、观影模式、用餐模式等。圣昌智能电源还拥有高效率、高功率因数等性能特点,能够有效提高电能资源利用率,减少不必要的电能损耗。 The Shunde Marriott Hotel has 258 luxurious guest rooms, each with soft light and a clear lighting planning hierarchy. With the addition of the Shengchang LED intelligent dimmable driver, different lighting modes are realized and guests can customize the lighting modes according to their actual needs, such as reading mode, movie watching mode, dining mode, etc. Shengchang intelligent driver also has performance features such as high efficiency and high power factor, which can effectively improve the utilization of electrical energy resources and reduce unnecessary power loss. 随着顺德美的万豪酒店项目竣工并投入运营,圣昌智能调光电源营造的灯光氛围,不断收获顾客的赞赏,未来,圣昌将会继续专注酒店照明领域,为酒店照明提供更多产品支持,协助酒店营造更加舒适智能的照明氛围。 As the Shunde Marriott Hotel project is completed and put into operation, the lighting atmosphere created by the Shengchang intelligent dimmable driver, continuously to reap the appreciation of customers. In the future, Shengchang will continue to focus on the hotel lighting field, provide more product support for hotel lighting and assist hotels in creating a more comfortable and intelligent lighting atmosphere. 请点击下方链接查看产品详情 https://www.scpower.net.cn/page.html?id=238 更多产品信息 请拨打圣昌全国咨询热线 总部:0756-3890128 中山古镇办事处:0760-89866406 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |