光亚展 | 圣昌邀您共聚13.2馆D02展位
圣昌与您相约13.2馆D02展位 #行业盛会,开幕在即 Industry event,opening soon 8月3-6日,第二十七届广州国际照明展览会(以下简称“光亚展”)将在中国进出口商品交易会展馆隆重开幕。作为照明业界最具影响力的行业盛会,光亚展一直备受业界关注,2021年展会期间人流量达到97,688人,共2036家展商相聚于此,共话行业发展。 The 27h edition of Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition(GILE) will now be held on 3-6 August 2022 at the China Import and Export Fair Complex in Guangzhou. As the most influential industry event in the lighting industry, GILE has always attracted the attention of the industry. During the exhibition in 2021, the flow of people were reach 97,688, and a total of 2036 exhibitors were gather here to discuss the development of industry. #参展产品抢先看 First look at Exhibited Products 作为LED智能调光电源专业制造商,圣昌深耕行业13年,一直秉承着“专注,更专业”的企业精神,不断对产品进行革新,并通过参加国内外大型展会的形式,与客户建立了真诚友善的合作关系。 As a professional manufacturer of intelligent dimming LED Driver, Shengchang has been deeply involved in the industry for 13 years, and has been adhering to the enterprise spirit of “focus,more professional”, constantly innovating products, and by participating in large-scale exhibitions at home and abroad, we have established a sincere and friendly cooperative relationship with customers. · 2021年光亚展 而光亚展作为重量级的行业盛会,大咖云集,圣昌非常重视和珍惜这次参展机会,本次圣昌展出的智能调光电源品类齐全,性能优越,调光调色温调色效果非常出众。参展产品不仅有DALI-2、DMX512、可控硅、0/1-10V、无线(蓝牙/ZigBee/Wi-Fi)等经典系列,也有DALI-2 DT8、恒流多电流输出等热销产品,将全方位展示圣昌在智能照明领域的最新产品技术,为智能照明带来更多可能性。 As a heavyweight industry event, the GILE is full of big names. Shengchang attaches great importance to and cherishes this opportunity to participate in this exhibition. The intelligent dimming LED Drivers exhibited by Shengchang has a complete range, excellent performance, dimming, color temperature and color adjustment. The effect is outstanding. Exhibited products not only include classic series such as DALI-2, DMX512, TRIAC, 0/1-10V, Wireless (Bluetooth/ZigBee/Wi-Fi), but also hot-selling products such as DALI-2 DT8, Multiple current adjustable constant current series etc. #13.2馆D02号,欢迎到访 Come and join us at Booth Hall 13.2 D02 本届展会,圣昌打造了142平方米的专业品牌形象展位,展位风格简约大气,拥有立体感的色彩设计,并且设置了咨询台、产品展示区和商务洽谈区,更有资深工程师和专业销售人员进行技术讲解和产品介绍,致力于为客户呈现最真实、最惊艳的调光效果。 In this exhibition, Shengchang has built a professional brand brand image booth of 142 square meters. The booth style is simple and atmospheric, with a three-dimensional color design, and has set up a consultation desk, product display area and business negotiation area, as well as senior engineers and professional sales who can give technical explanations and product introductions, and are committed to presenting the most realistic and stunning dimming effects to customers. 更多智能调光电源实力产品 敬请期待8月3-6日光亚展 圣昌与您相约13.2馆D02展位 For more intelligent dimming LED Driver products Please look forward to the upcoming GILE on August 3rd to 6th ,2022 Shengchang will meet you at Hall 13.2 D02 ![]() |