圣昌产品案例 | 科兴集团总部办公楼:智慧光影让办公空间更舒适
项目信息:科兴控股生物技术有限公司总部办公楼 应用产品:圣昌0/1-10V、SDL系列调光电源 应用场景:前台大厅、公共办公区、多功能会议室 Project Information: Headquarter Office Building of Sinovac Biotech Ltd. Application products:SC 0/1-10V, SDL series dimmable LED driver Application Scenario: Front lobby, public office area, multi-functional meeting room 近期,科兴集团对其北京总部办公大楼进行了照明焕新工程,该工程采用了圣昌的智能调光电源,为科兴员工营造了一个舒适、轻松的办公照明环境。 Sinovac group recently carried out a lighting project for its Beijing headquarters office building, the project uses SC (ShengChang) dimmable LED driver, creating a comfortable and relaxing office lighting environment for Kexing employees. 这次的照明工程中,设计团队在充分考虑办公照明的个性化和人本化需求后,应用了圣昌0/1-10V和SDL系列五合一调光电源,使得整体照明环境更健康、舒适,员工的办公效率得到了有效提高。 In this lighting project, after fully considering the personalized and humanized needs of office lighting, the design team applied the five-in-one dimmable LED driver of SC 0/1-10V and SDL series, which made the overall lighting environment healthier and more comfortable, and the office efficiency of employees was effectively improved. 01 前台大厅 明亮有活力的灯光氛围 对于前台大厅而言,灯光要明亮有活力,彰显企业的形象与气度。科兴集团前台大厅应用的是圣昌0/1-10V智能调光电源,明亮舒适,无频闪,细腻顺滑的灯光倾泻而下,瞬间为整个空间注入了活力气息。圣昌0/1-10V系列有着0.1%-100%的调光深度,调光顺滑,可有效避免光线的突然变化刺激双眼,提高人眼舒适度。 For the front lobby, the lighting should be bright and energetic to show the image and temperament of the company. The front lobby of Kexing Group is applied with the SC 0/1-10V intelligent dimmable LED driver, which is bright and comfortable with no strobe, and the delicate and smooth light pours down, instantly injecting a vibrant atmosphere into the whole space. With a dimming depth of 0.1%-100%, the 0/1-10V series can achieve smooth dimming, effectively avoiding sudden changes in light to stimulate the eyes and improve the comfort of the human eyes. 02 公共办公区 无频闪,更健康 为了提高员工的专注度和积极性,办公区的照明设计要对灯具、调光电源等照明产品进行精准把控,避免出现频闪、眩光等问题。 In order to improve employees' concentration and motivation, the lighting design of the office area should be precisely controlled for lighting products such as lamps and dimming power supplies to avoid problems such as strobe and glare. For the light demand of the public office area, the project party of Kexing Group applies the five-in-one dimmable LED driver of Shengchang SDL series, which adopts PWM digital dimming with a dimming depth of 0.1%-100% and can create a high-quality office lighting effect, making the light soft and uniform, comfortable and bright, and effectively relieving eye fatigue. 03 多功能会议室 多种灯光场景模式 会议、汇报、投影……,会议室有着不同的功能,照明设计应当根据功能分区进行合理布光和精准控光。 Meeting, reporting, projection ......, meeting rooms have different functions, and lighting design should be based on functional partitioning for reasonable lighting and precise light control. 在圣昌0/1-10V调光电源的加持下,科兴集团的多功能会议室做到了调光调色温,满足了日常开会、投影和演讲等各种模式下的照明需求。例如,日常开会时,可将灯光调至全开模式,让注意力集中;汇报时,将两侧灯光调暗,聆听更专注;休息时,便可切换至柔和舒适的灯光。 With the support of SC's 0/1-10V dimmable LED driver, Kexing Group's multifunctional conference room achieves dimming and color temperature adjustment to meet the lighting needs in various modes such as daily meeting, projection and presentation. For example, during daily meetings, the lights can be turned to full-on mode to focus attention; when reporting, the lights on both sides can be dimmed for more focused listening; when taking a break, the lights can be switched to soft and comfortable. 在此次照明工程中,圣昌以调光顺滑无频闪,性能优越的智能调光电源,让灯光变得更加柔和,大大提升了科兴员工的办公舒适度,也让他们拥有更加便捷、健康、高效的办公体验。 In this lighting project, SC made the light softer with the dimming smooth and strobe-free, superior performance intelligent dimmable LED driver, which greatly enhanced the office comfort of Kexing employees and gave them a more convenient, healthy and efficient office experience. 免责声明: 本文章部分图片来自视觉中国,版权归作者所有,如有侵权请联系删除。 |