DALI-2协议自2019年发布以来,就以更精准、更节能、安装成本更低的优势,在照明控制协议领域占据重要地位。为了应对不断变化的市场需求,圣昌推出了DALI-2系列智能调光电源。 DALI-2 protocol has occupied a leading position in the field of lighting control protocol with the advantages of more precise,more energy saving and lower installation cost since its release in 2019. In order to meet the changing market demand, Shengchang has launched DALI-2 series intelligent dimming driver. 圣昌DALI-2系列兼容性很强,适配市面绝大部分的灯光系统,加上功率范围广的卓越优势,使得该系列自推出以来就深受客户青睐,被广泛应用于众多大型照明项目中。 Shengchang DALI-2 series has strong compatibility and is suitable for most lighting systems in the market. Combined with the excellent advantages of wide power range, this series has been favored by customers and widely used in many large lighting projects since its launch. 智能化加持,调光更自如 产品性能方面,圣昌DALI-2系列可实现调光调色调色温、场景控制、群组控制等智能化功能。在约旦四季酒店和以色列博物馆等照明项目中,DALI-2系列很好地发挥了这些产品优势,不仅配合项目方完成了深度调光场景打造,还实现了精准的单灯及灯组调光,为酒店、博物馆、智能小区和科技园等项目调节了适宜的灯光亮度和色温,营造出智能舒适的照明环境。 In terms of product performance, Shengchang DALI-2 series can realize intelligent functions such as dimming, RGBCW, CCT, scene control, group control and so on. In the lighting projects such as Four Seasons Hotel in Jordan and Israel Museum, DALI-2 series gives full play to the advantages of these products. It not only completes the deep dimming scene with the project party, but also realizes the accurate dimming of single lamp and lamp group, adjusts the appropriate lamp brightness and color temperature for the hotel ,Museum,intelligent residential district,Science and technology park,and creates an intelligent and comfortable lighting environment. DALI-2系列产品应用案例 深度调光,无频闪更健康 一般情况下,调光梯级越细,调光过程就越顺滑。作为远销国内外多个市场的热门产品,圣昌DALI-2系列的调光深度达到了0.1%-100%,全程调光平滑无频闪,完美满足不同场景氛围下对舒适柔光的需求。 In general, the greater the dimming depth, the smoother the dimming process. As a popular product exported to many markets at home and abroad, the dimming depth of Shengchang DALI-2 series is 0.1%-100%, the whole dimming is smooth and flicker-free, perfect to meet the different scene under the atmosphere of the comfortable soft light requirements. NFC读写地址,操作更灵活 为了节省工程安装和调试的时间成本和人力成本,圣昌在DALI-2系列搭载了NFC通讯模块,电源无需接电,即可通过手机NFC软件读写地址。 In order to save the time cost and labor cost of project installation and commissioning, Shengchang is equipped with NFC communication module in DALI-2 series.Without external power, the address can be read and written by NFC app. 多重认证,品质更超群 圣昌一贯重视产品的专业性和安全性,目前DALI-2系列已通过ENEC、CE、CB、RoHS、REACH等专业认证,产品质量获得权威认可。安全性方面,圣昌承诺五年质保,同时电源内置了开路、短路、过温和过载保护,全面保护更耐用。 Shengchang has always attached importance to the professionalism and safety of products. At present, DALI-2 series has passed professional certification such as ENEC, CE, CB, RoHS, REACH,and the product quality has been recognized by the authority. In terms of safety, Shengchang promises a 5-year warranty. At the same time, the power supply is built-in protections of open circuit, short circuit, over temperature and overload, which makes comprehensive protection and more durable. 上一页:圣昌无频闪调光电源,让阅读更舒适