圣昌产品案例 | 舒适灵动的温泉酒店灯光设计
圣昌LED智能调光电源应用案例:洛阳伏牛山居温泉度假酒店。本文案例应用的是圣昌0/1-10V和可控硅系列智能调光电源,呈现了均匀柔和、自然和谐的健康光照环境。 SHENGCHANG (SCPOWER) Intelligent dimming LED Driver application case--Louyang Funiu Shanju Hot Spring Resort Hotel.The case in this article uses Shengchang(SCPOWER) Triac series and 0/1-10V series intelligent dimming led power supply, which presents a uniform, soft, natural and harmonious healthy lighting environment. 带上家人逃离车马喧嚣的都市,来一场山水之旅,是很多人的梦想。位于洛阳市栾川县庙子镇的伏牛山居温泉度假酒店,让很多人得以实现这个梦想。 It is the dream of many people to take the family to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and take a landscape trip. The Funiu Shanju Hot Spring Resort Hotel, located in Miaozi Town, Luanchuan County, Luoyang City, enables many people to realize this dream. 酒店坐拥整个山谷,白色为主色调的酒店外观,有着行云流水般的线条感,将现代设计与自然景观完美融合,传达了亲自大自然的理念。 The hotel sits on the entire valley. The exterior of the hotel is mainly white, with a sense of flowing lines. It perfectly integrates modern design with the natural landscape and conveys the concept of being close to nature. 伏牛居温泉酒店分为客房区和别墅区,为了营造清静、自在的山居体验,酒店精简了房间数量,只保留了36间客房和11幢别墅。 Funiu Shanju Hot Spring Resort Hotel is divided into guest room area and villa area. In order to create a quiet and comfortable mountain residence experience, the hotel has reduced the number of rooms and only retained 36 rooms and 11 villas. 客房区(Guest room area) 推开客房的门,自然之风扑面而来,群峰环拱,碧湖在侧,仿佛置身绿野仙踪。客房的大面积落地窗,很好地保障了室内采光。人工照明方面,酒店采用的是圣昌0/1-10V系列智能调光电源,全程调光细腻,无频闪,0.1-100%调光深度,用灯光的精细调节营造了慵懒舒适的居住氛围。 Pushing open the door of the guest room, the natural wind is blowing towards the face, the peaks are surrounded by arches, and the blue lake is on the side, as if you are in the Wizard of Oz. The large floor-to-ceiling windows in the guest room ensure the interior lighting well. In terms of artificial lighting, the hotel uses Shengchang(SCPOWER) 0/1-10V series intelligent dimming led power supply, with delicate dimming in the whole process, no visible flicker, 0.1-100% dimming depth, and fine adjustment of the light to create a lazy and comfortable living atmosphere.
挑高设计的尖顶屋顶,让空间变得宽敞明亮。酒店设计方充分利用了竖向空间,屋顶边沿处放置了灯带,温暖舒适的柔光与蒲苇背景墙相得益彰。 The high-pitched design for the spire roof makes the space spacious and bright. The hotel designer made full use of the vertical space, and placed strip lights on the edge of the roof, and the warm and comfortable soft light complemented the pampas reed background wall. 别墅区(Villa area) 别墅区是中式元素与现代生活的完美结合,全配套的新中式家具,呈现了一种令人舒心的美,以人为本的现代灯光设计,更是让别墅多了一份温馨和舒适。 The villa area is the perfect combination of Chinese elements and modern life. The fully furnished new Chinese furniture presents a comforting beauty. The people-oriented modern lighting design makes the villa more warm and comfortable. 得益于宽敞明亮的落地窗设计,客人一眼就可以望见远处的翠绿景色。别墅区应用的是圣昌可控硅系列智能调光电源,与光线形成自然过渡,无眩光无频闪,灯光氛围舒适柔和。 Thanks to the spacious and bright floor-to-ceiling windows, guests can see the emerald green scenery in the distance at a glance.T he villa area uses Shengchang(SCPOWER) Triac seires intelligent dimming led driver, which forms a natural transition with the light, no glare and no stroboscopic, and the lighting atmosphere is comfortable and soft.
与客房区一样,别墅区也做了挑高屋顶,搭配中式吊灯,明朗又不失优雅。圣昌智能调光电源的助力,使得空间内的光线平滑细腻,并实现了0.1-100%的精细调光效果。 Like the guest room area, the villa area also has a high roof, with Chinese chandeliers, bright and elegant. With the help of Shengchang(SCPOWER) intelligent dimming led power supply, the light in the space is smooth and delicate, and the fine dimming effect of 0.1-100% is achieved. 为了增加照明环境的安全性,圣昌电源内置了短路保护、过温保护、过载保护等多重保护,全力保障灯具的无障碍运转。除此之外,圣昌可控硅系列拥有PF>0.95的优越性能,能够有效提高电源利用率,减少能源浪费。 In order to increase the safety of the lighting environment, Shengchang(SCPOWER) power supply has built-in multiple protections such as short-circuit protection, over-temperature protection, overload protection, etc., to ensure the barrier-free operation of lamps. In addition, Shengchang(SCPOWER) Triac dimming led driver series has the superior performance of PF>0.95, which can effectively improve the power utilization rate and reduce energy waste. 圣昌作为LED智能调光电源的生力军,专注于产品研发与创新,除了本次的项目案例外,圣昌还相继为星级酒店、国家级博物馆等各类大型照明项目提供了产品支持,赢得了良好的市场反馈。 As a new force in the intelligent dimming LED power supply, Shengchang(SCPOWER) focuses on product development and innovation. In addition to this project case, Shengchang(SCPOWER) has also successively provided product support for various large-scale lighting projects such as star-rated hotels and national museums, and has won good market feedback. 上一页:清明节放假通知