3.8女神节 | 致敬圣昌每一位闪耀的她
国际妇女节HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY三月,我们迎来春暖花开,也迎来了第112个国际妇女节。圣昌成长的每一步都凝聚着女性员工们的心血和汗水,她们兢兢业业、开拓进取,默默绽放属于自己的风采。
三月,我们迎来春暖花开,也迎来了第112个国际妇女节。在圣昌也有着一群铿锵玫瑰,她们勇敢、坚韧、独立,有着“巾帼不让须眉”的责任与担当。在这个特别闪耀的日子里,谨以此篇,致敬奋斗在各个岗位上的圣昌女神们。 一直以来,女性员工在圣昌的各职能部门中都扮演着重要角色。生活中的她们,是母亲、是妻子、是女儿,温柔可爱,自信大方;工作中的她们坚守岗位、挥洒汗水。 Each lady at Shengchang (SCPOWER) has always play many important roles. In life, they are mother, wife, daughter with gentle,lovely, confident and generous; At work, they stick to their posts and sweat. 穿上工作服,她们就是生产线上最迷人的风景,操作娴熟,一丝不苟,全力保障着圣昌的有序生产;为了让员工们在忙碌之余,体验到家的温暖,她们主动挑起了各类文娱活动的策划担子;既耐心细致又火力全开,她们冲锋在前,为公司创下了一个个精彩业绩;她们踏实勤恳,以专业、丰富的产品知识,守护着研发部的“大后方”;她们熟悉元器件原料市场,既能维护供应商关系,又能进行良好的库存管控,是圣昌最给力的后勤保障。 Wearing work clothes, they are the most charming scenery on the production line, who operate skillfully and meticulously and spare no effort to ensure the orderly production of Shengchang; In order to let employees experience the warmth of home, they take the initiative to organize all kinds of cultural and recreational activities; They have created many wonderful achievements with patient, meticulous and full of firepower; They are down-to-earth and diligent, guarding the "rear area" of the R & D department with professional and rich product knowledge; They from the most awesome logistic support of Shengchang, are familiar with the raw material market of components,and maintenance of supplier relationship and good inventory control. 从研发工程师到业务员,从车间技工到办公室内勤,每个工作环节,都有她们忙碌的身影,在平凡的岗位上不断绽放风采,为圣昌的发展撑起了“半边天”。 From R & D engineers to salesmen, from workshop technicians to office staff, they are busy in every link, constantly blooming in ordinary posts and supporting "half the sky" for the development of Shengchang (SCPOWER). 春风如你,熠熠芳华。圣昌成长的每一步都凝聚着女性员工们的心血和汗水,她们兢兢业业、开拓进取,默默绽放属于自己的风采。在今天这个特别的日子里,让我们为所有的圣昌女神们送上一份节日祝福,祝女神们节日快乐,未来继续在自己的舞台里发光发热! Shining youth like breeze spring! There are much hard work and sweat of female employees in each step of Shengchang's growth. They are conscientious, pioneering and enterprising, and silently bloom their own style. On this special day, let's send a holiday blessing to all the ladies of Shengchang. Wish them with a happy holiday and continue to shine on their own stage in the future! 圣昌特意为女神们准备的惊喜礼物 |