SC案例 | 不止有南海风情,这里的灯光设计更有看点!
本文案例应用的是圣昌0-10V恒压系列调光电源,呈现了均匀柔和、自然和谐的光照环境。 In this case, Shengchang’s 0-10V constant voltage series dimming power supply is used to present a uniform soft, natural and harmonious lighting environment. 三亚,有着“东方夏威夷”的美称,而恬静安逸的三亚海棠湾,更是被誉为“国家海岸”,那里有洁白细软的沙滩、湛蓝透明的海水和轻柔和煦的微风。 Sanya is known as the "Hawaii of the East", and its tranquil Haitang Bay is also known as the "National Coast", with its fine white sand beaches, clear blue waters and gentle breezes. △图源视觉中国 △Picture from Visual China 海棠湾旁,停靠着一艘“巨型邮轮”,仿佛随时要扬帆起航。其实这是三亚海棠湾仁恒皇冠假日度假酒店,它的外观设计新颖别致,为客人提供了壮丽海景和宾至如归的居住体验。 Haitang Bay, parked a "giant cruise ship", as if to set sail at any time. In fact, this is Crowne Plaza Yanlord Resort in Haitang Bay, Sanya, which offers guests a magnificent sea view and a home from home living experience. 酒店建筑设计由美国WATG建筑及综合设计事务所操刀,建筑主体采用架空结构,酒店大堂被抬高至18米标高,为宾客创造了开阔的空间感受。宾客一走入酒店大堂,就能感受海风的洗礼,而与海风一起迎接宾客的,还有明亮舒适的灯光。 Designed by WATG Architecture & Integrated Design, the main structure is built on stilts, and the hotel lobby is raised to 18 meters, creating an open space for guests. As soon as guests enter the hotel lobby, they can feel the baptism of the sea breeze, and together with the sea breeze to welcome guests, there are bright and comfortable lights. △图源网络 △Picture from Internet 对于星级酒店而言,品质至关重要,在灯具配件的选择上,三亚海棠湾仁恒皇冠假日度假酒店依旧遵循星级酒店的高标准。圣昌电源的多项优越性能与酒店的星级要求完美匹配,其中电源的短路、过载、过温保护设计,符合酒店照明的安全需求。而豁免级别的无频闪指标,能够让空间光线呈现均匀柔和的效果。 For star hotels, quality is very important. Crowne Plaza Yanlord Resort still follows the high standard of star hotels in the choice of lighting fittings. The many superior performance of Shengchang power supply perfectly matches the star-level requirements of the hotel, and the protection design of short circuit, overload and over temperature of the power supply meets the safety requirements of the hotel lighting.And our power supply can meet the exemption level without stroboscopic requirements, can make the space light present uniform and soft effect. △图源网络 △Picture from Internet 为确保景观视野不受影响,酒店采用了大面积的落地窗设计,充分利用自然光线。同时考虑到不同时段的光照变化,在灯光工程上,酒店与圣昌进行了深度合作。作为LED智能调光电源中国专业制造商,圣昌调光电源可实现0.1%-100%任意亮度调节,能够与室内空间的灯光互为补充,有效节约能源。 To ensure that views are not compromised, the hotel is designed with large floor-to-ceiling Windows to make full use of natural light. At the same time, considering the changes of lighting in different periods of time, the hotel has carried out in-depth cooperation with Shengchang in lighting engineering. As a professional manufacturer of LED intelligent dimming power supply in China, Shengchang dimming power supply can realize 0.1-100% arbitrary brightness adjustment, which can complement the lighting of indoor space and effectively save energy. 大堂照明以架空层的天花板灯带为主,局部射灯为点缀,再加上圣昌智能调光电源平滑无频闪的细腻调光效果,成功为酒店大堂营造了柔和舒适的灯光氛围。 The main lighting of the lobby is the ceiling light belt of the overhead layer, with local spotlights as the decoration, coupled with the smooth and exquisite dimming effect of Shengchang intelligent dimming power supply without stroboscope, which successfully creates a soft and comfortable lighting atmosphere for the hotel lobby. △图源网络 △Picture from Internet 酒店拥有405间客房及套房,所有房间都能观海听涛。在照明设计上,酒店也颇费心机,应用了圣昌0-10V恒压系列调光电源,通过对灯光的控制,使得客房照明兼顾多个功能分区。书房区的灯光明亮自然,方便顾客处理公务;休息区灯光更为温暖舒适,而淋浴区的灯光则以柔和浪漫的暖光为主。 The hotel has 405 rooms and suites, all with views of the sea. In the lighting design, the hotel is also very careful, the application of Shengchang 0-10V constant voltage series dimming power supply. Through the control of lighting, the room lighting takes into account multiple functional zones. The light in the study area is bright and natural, which is convenient for customers to deal with their business. The lighting in the lounge area is more warm and comfortable, while the lighting in the shower area is soft and romantic. △图源网络 △Picture from Internet 温馨舒适的灯光设计、旖旎的风光、完善的度假设施以及卓越的品牌服务,都是三亚海棠湾仁恒皇冠假日度假酒店的品牌标签。在这次的照明工程中,圣昌智能调光电源起到了重要作用,满足了酒店宾客对多场景变幻的光环境的需求,也为健康照明贡献了不可缺少的力量。 Warm and comfortable lighting design, beautiful scenery, perfect resort facilities and excellent brand service are the brand labels of Crowne Plaza Yanlord Resort. In this lighting project, Shengchang intelligent dimming power supply plays an important role in meeting the needs of hotel guests for the changing light environment of multiple scenes, and also contributes an indispensable force for healthy lighting. |