对圣昌而言,创新是保持市场竞争力的源泉。一直以来,圣昌致力于产品研发与科技创新,在产品技术创新方面取得了骄人成绩。今年,圣昌的创新之树再结硕果,相继将发明专利、实用新型、外观专利、美国专利和软件著作权等知识产权成果揽入囊中。 For SCPOWER, innovation is the source of maintaining market competitiveness. SCPOWER has been committed to product development and technological innovation, and has made remarkable achievements in technical innovation. This year, SCPOWER's tree of innovation has borne fruit again, and has successively won utility models, invention patents, appearance patents, U.S. patents and software copyrights etc. 为了表彰先进,感谢研发团队的卓越贡献,1月6日,圣昌举行了2021年技术知识产权成果颁奖大会,对取得丰硕技术成果的研发人员进行了表彰,并颁发荣誉证书和知识产权奖励金。据悉,本年度的技术知识产权成果继续保持了高质量、高水准、专业化的特点,通过实现调光的无频闪无噪音、研发输出多路短路保护电路、开发双色温恒压智能调光电源软件等数十个新创造,解决了LED智能调光电源在照明行业多个应用领域中的一系列技术难题。 In order to commend the advanced personnel and stimulate the R & D fighting spirit, SCPOWER held the 2021 technology & intellectual property achievement award Ceremony on January 6.Developers with positive contributions were commended and awarded honorary certificates and intellectual property incentive money.It is reported that this year's achievements of intellectual property maintain high quality, high level and professionalization. Through dozens of new innovations such as implementing the dimming no flicker and no noise, developing the circuit of output multi-channel short-circuit protection & software for dual color temperature constant voltage intelligent dimmable driver,it has solved a series of complex technical problems of LED intelligent dimming power supply in the application of health lighting. 颁奖大会上,圣昌总经理郑德华对勇于创新、甘于奉献的研发团队予以了感谢,感谢他们在公司创新发展过程中作出的积极贡献,同时也希望研发团队保持冲劲,主动创新,积极申报高质量专利。在场的研发人员备受鼓舞,纷纷表示将以更高的激情投入到新一轮的技术研发和产品创新中,为圣昌知识产权荣誉贡献力量,并以提供更加健康舒适的光环境为奋斗目标,全力推动健康照明行业实现高质量发展。 |