DALI官网新闻展示 (复制此链接至浏览器,即可查看完整新闻) 11月4日,DiiA联盟宣布,圣昌DALI2恒流60W电源正式通过DALI-2认证,成为了第2000个通过该认证的产品!这也意味着,圣昌明星产品系列又添新成员,今后圣昌DALI产品的市场份额也必将持续攀升,赢得更多客户的信赖。 On November 4th, DiiA Alliance announced that the DALI-2 Constant Current Series 60W driver of Zhuhai Shengchang Electronics Co., Ltd. has officially passed the DALI-2 certification, becoming the 2,000th product to achieve this certification. This also means that the star product series of SC Power added new members. In the future, SC Power's market share of DALI products will continue to climb, to win the trust of more customers. 据DiiA联盟消息,DiiA会员也已增至300名,越来越多的照明厂商将DALI及DALI-2协议作为智能照明首选的数字化协议。 作为2017年就加入DiiA联盟的老会员,圣昌一直致力于研发认证更权威,匹配度更佳的DALI产品,截至目前,已有70款产品通过DALI及DALI-2认证。 圣昌DALI-2&Push(DP2)系列不仅拥有上图罗列的高品质性能,还非常符合市场对DALI产品的要求。 SC Power’s DALI-2 & Push (DP2) series offers high quality performance and meets the requirements of DALI products. 圣昌DALI智能调光电源应用案例 SC DALI intelligent dimming driver application cases DiiA联盟:管理及监督DALI的组织 DiiA Alliance The organization that manages and supervises DALI DiiA联盟是以DALI国际认证为宗旨的,开放性的全球照明厂商联盟。DiiA联盟的作用在于规范DALI产品认证流程:第一步必须是DiiA的会员,第二步须再通过其规范的产品测试之后才能予以认证,通过认证的产品及品牌才可以列入产品数据库,并在DiiA官网查询。 DALI协议 DALI Protocol DALI(Digital Addressable Lighting Interface数字可寻址照明接口)协议是目前照明控制领域流行的新一代照明控制协议,它是国际公开的照明控制通信协议。DALI协议采用数字信号来控制调光,每一盏灯对应一个地址,可直接与灯具中的组件进行通信,实现智能单灯控制和任意分组。 DALI-2协议 DALI-2 Protocol 与DALI-1相比,DALI-2协议主要有三方面不同:一是LED驱动方面,标准更加清晰规范,从而显著提高产品的互操作性,减少安装中出现的问题;二是新加入了应用程序控制器或感应器等控制设备标准,使不同品牌之间可以很好地互相协作;三是强制认证方面,DALI-2产品必须通过DALI联盟的完全认证,并且可以在DALI网站的产品数据库上查询,使产品更加安全可靠。 Compared with DALI-1, the DALI-2 protocol is different in three main aspects. Firstly, the standard of LED driver is more clear and standardized, which significantly improves product interoperability and reduces installation problems. The second is the addition of new standards for control devices such as application controllers or sensors, so that products from different brands can cooperate well with each other.Thirdly, compulsory certification. DALI-2 products must be fully certified by the DALI Alliance and can be queried on the product database of DALI website to make the products more secure and reliable. 圣昌拥有第2000个通过DALI-2认证的产品,是荣誉,也是全体圣昌人努力的结果,更是圣昌稳步发展的见证。未来,我们将继续与DiiA联盟携手并进,为智能照明市场带来更多DALI产品的革新与融合,为推动照明行业实现智能化发展贡献企业力量。 ![]() |